Tag: christian speculative fiction


Seal Four, Death

THE BOOK Eron is a hacker. He has been protecting those he knows of The Seven for years, but now God is calling him out of the safety of his bunker to come face-to-face with Alric, Jediel and Ashar to find the rest of The Seven. Together, they begin the search for Kara, as all […]

Sara Shanning 

Seal Two, War

THE BOOK Ashar is disillusioned. Betrayed by his own parents. They turned him into an experiment, for money. They told him that the extra bones on his back could kill him. For years, they took him to doctor after doctor, specialist after specialist, on a supposed search for answers for why four floating bones had […]

Sara Shanning 
3d book display image of Angel Song

A clean Fantasy Romance

A Prince. An angel with amnesia. A supernatural war. Good vs Evil. Good wins.

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