Sara Shanning  

The Beauty of a New ‘Project’

Project ?

Thinking of my writing as projects began with the Chosen Angel Series, when the complexity of what goes into writing one began to fill a notebook. When I finished the first story and then decided it was not meant to be the first, it really became a project. Then I repeated that process again… and again, until finally, on round five, Seal One stayed Seal One.

The definition of project: an individual (or collaborative) enterprise that is carefully planned and designed to achieve a particular aim.

I would take the words ‘carefully planned’ right out of the equation. I am not a planner. I write on the fly, with a basic premise, and see what words come out on the page, and then I take it from there.

However, writing a series is definitely an enterprise, and one could say the aim is to finish. Taking on a seven part series was a lofty goal, and I am currently on that last stretch of the hill before you reach the top where you are tired and ready to just stop, rather than push on.

But, you don’t get to quit when you are writing a series and have already published a few.

That would destroy the entire enterprise. And you’d have angry readers on your hands. And probably hate yourself, too.

So I need to get to the top of that hill so I can take a breath and know that I am nearing the finish line.

Once, I saw this series as a 22 part, possible 23. Right now, I will be happy with seven. Why?

Because I have other Projects calling my name.

I redefined my focus to take a break from The Chosen Angel series. My daughter asked for a romance and I thought, sure why not? So I set out to write a quick, easy, predictable romance. Did that happen? NO. Apparently, project is in my blood. By the time I finished the romance, I’d created an entire fantasy world, complete with a map, to write more books related to the one I’d pounded out in six weeks.

Supernatural series… check.

Supernatural romance… check.

I’m my own Project. Always have been. When it comes to writing, I have never been, and never will be, a one-genre person. I don’t want to write in a box. I like to explore. Isn’t that what one does as a reader? Explore other worlds, other lives, other possibilities? I want to write the same way.

So part of the appeal of the word ‘Project,’ is what the next one will be. Creating a supernatural fantasy world was fascinating, and fun. Ideas kept coming as I wrote, and I’d find myself working in a tidbit that I could play with later. Adding another Kingdom to the map. Naming another character that I could see myself developing later.

Writing that romance shifted my focus, as I’d intended for it to do. It also made me realize how much more I have in me. Waiting. I am excited to see where it leads.

But first, Seal Four of The Chosen Angel series is waiting for me. And my readers are waiting to read it.

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