Sara Shanning  

Seal One, The Rise of the Antichrist


Alric is a scientist living in a world of deception and lies.

He has created a life-saving formula intended to help humanity, but he has sold it to the wrong man. Now, he and his formula are under the control of a man so evil that Alric can see the demons that crawl over him.

He is trapped. Watched within the Xis compound where he creates his formula that he has learned will be used as a weapon, and watched in the place that he calls his home.

To prove his continued usefulness, he had offered a new creation, but his own secrets are making every day more dangerous.

Plagued by visions from God that continue to get stronger and stronger, Alric struggles to remain invisible in a place where any sign of weakness can get you killed.

God has other plans for Alric. After a vision so strong that Alric loses consciousness, he awakes to find himself in the dungeons of Xis, where he discovers that Xis now knows about the mysterious extra bones on his back, and that there is another like him.

With that shocking revelation comes the realization that he must do everything in his power to protect the young girl that has bones of her own that do not belong. Xis holds her captive.

Alric must choose whether to accept the purpose that God has been calling him to. Unsure who to trust and with shaky faith Alric reaches out for help from a stranger, and begins to follow the path that God has laid out for him since the beginning of time.


Alric was not the first character I chose for Seal One. In fact, he was the fifth. Alric was not one of the original four-and-a-half parts that began the conception of this series. I had his name and that was all.

Learning who Alric was as I wrote his story was this amazing, joyful experience. I felt like the reader as I wrote it, and not the writer. Things would happen and I would be so excited about it that I would have to keep writing just to find out what would happen. It was crazy and exhilarating and the end product is something that still amazes me.

Alric is special. He begins the story of The Seven, who have no idea that they are tied to the Seals poured out in the End Times. Each of these seven are given floating bones on their backs that do not belong the night they ask God to save them.

A test of faith, a mark from God.

Each must choose to accept or deny the purpose that God has given to them. To battle in their own way how they see themselves, how others see them, how to walk in faith as the world begins its final stages of self-destruction.

Imagine if you were chosen for such an important task. Imagine how you would feel if you began to realize that you were a part of something greater. So complex and magnificent that you would have to make the choice to rely completely on your faith and trust in God to help you survive.

That is Alric’s journey. That is each of The Seven’s journey.

Seal One is the Rise of the Antichrist. The beginning of The End.

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