Sara Shanning  

Weirdness of an Indie Author

I’m probably not weird, but I feel weird. I mean, I don’t mind if I am… but here’ s a few reasons I would place myself on the “why I’m a weird Indie Author,” list. Let me know if you have any of the same quirks!

~I don’t like beginning my word count at the beginning of a chapter. I aim to hit 2-3000 words for each chapter, and for some reason, I find it overwhelming to glance up and see the stark number staring at me and taunting me that I am not even close. If I start in a random place, then I have to click on the number to see where I am at and then I am spurred on by the lack of words (or the progress I have made).

~Sometimes I pretend I am the character and do exactly what my characters are doing. I talk out loud when they speak. I do the facial expressions. I move around and pretend I am where they are. Doing these things often provides me with what will be said or what will happen next.

~I like keyboards that make noise. The clack clack of keys being pressed reminds me of my first typewriter and makes me feel like a real writer. I apologize to all the people in my favorite Coney I do a lot of my writing at, although I have handed out a few cards when people have stopped by my booth to ask if I am a writer!

Uboti Keyboard

~I literally don’t care about convention. Minimum word counts, not using flashbacks, short chapters, using multiple POV’s in the same book. Don’t care. These are my books. I’ll write them the way I want to. Some of the greatest writers paved the way by breaking convention. Rules are dictates for commonality when it comes to writing. Be you. That’s my motto. I pride myself on my so-called weirdness.

~There is no such thing as too many post-it notes. I have 3 cork boards in my office (currently) and they are covered with them. Multiple colors. Lots of scribbles. It all makes sense to me. I don’t want a “better” method. Mine works for me.

~I have multiple pen names and expect to have many more before I am done. I’m creating a brand. This is one area where I only slightly push the boundaries of convention. Confusing algorithms is not a smart move. So if I feel like writing a psychological thriller instead of my normal speculative fiction, I will, but I’ll create a new pen name to publish under. Then I’ll tie it all together with my brand. The branding is my loophole. Also, I wanted to have fun stickers and journals, so becoming a brand allowed me the pleasure of doing so.

~I totally have a thing for weird names. Sorry, not sorry? I get a lot of comments about the names I choose. Boring names are for sub-characters. There are plenty of books about Matthew and Thomas, but how many feature Alric and Eitan? No one whines about superhero names… think of my characters as super special, if it helps!

~I always put something on my copyright pages that isn’t part of the expectation of what should be there. I don’t think anyone reads them, but I have a giggle when I think about someone happening to read one and thinking about how weird it is that there is commentary there.

~I adore writing my acknowledgment page. This might be normal, but I’ve never heard another writer mention it, so… I think about who will end up on the page the entire time I am writing the book.

~I don’t just work on one project. I have, literally, dozens going at a time. I bounce around when I feel like it. Sometimes they get finished, sometimes they are just there in case I want to re-read or add. Sometimes I never touch them again.

~I am not consistent on social media and I most often don’t give it a second thought. Ooops. I try at this one (sometimes). Really, I just kind of let things organically happen. So far, it’s working for me, so I don’t stress about it too much!

~I’m sure there are other weird quirks about me. I just can’t think of any at the moment. Okay, I’m off to work on something…

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