Sara Shanning  



It’s The End. The real End.

The world is broken. Devastated by war. Ruled by fear. Millions have died. And the most wicked man on earth reigns over it all.

Lira’s life was a mess before the Axis army brought its assault upon her country. When an earthquake tears her already fragile life further apart, she is forced into survival mode, with nothing but her newfound faith to comfort and guide her.

Seeking somewhere safe, Lira finds a haven where strange things begin to happen. Things prophesied in the Bible. Things that somehow she seems to be a part of.

Struggling to make sense of it all, Lira finds herself on a journey for truth that leads her to a daunting revelation.

Seal Six: Rending of the Earth is the sixth in the Chosen Angel series — a story about The End.


Lira was actually the first, and once the second, of this series. When I began this journey and these characters were all a part of a short story series, I switched the order around several times. I don’t recommend this, as it requires constant rewrites! So when Alric took first place I set Lira aside and waited… and waited… and now, finally, it is her time.

The earthquake that is Seal Six was originally the catalyst to the series, but the more I dug into research about the predicted end of the world, the more I realized it couldn’t be. Yes, earthquakes happen all the time, but not one so monumental it changes the face of the world.

Lira comes from a broken home and she is young. Too young to find herself enmeshed in the purpose she discovers is hers, but age makes no difference to faith. As Lira encounters the changed landscape of her town and her life, who she is comes into play. The makeup of who we are guides everything and she is no exception, despite her age.

Like so many of the other characters in this series, Lira has already known suffering and trials. As our world continues to get darker and more wicked, I see this as a common theme already and I do not anticipate that changing. It doesn’t matter. God can use broken people. He can use young people. He can use anyone.

All of The Seven are brought into this book as they are close to being united. As Lira fights to find someplace new to belong, the other six fight to find Lira, before One World Order does. You’ll have to read it to find out who finds whom first.

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