Sara Shanning  

Power washing Cement

I don’t have a cement driveway. I should start out by being up front about that. But if I did… the last thing I would be wasting my time on is power washing it! That is what rain is for.

Is this even a thing, you ask? I really have no idea. I was driving home the other night and witnessed a man power washing his cement driveway. Which led to me pondering why in the world would anyone do that!? Maybe if you spilled some grease or paint, I could justify such an act, but he was diligently cascading water over a section far away from his house where you typically wouldn’t work on a car or a project that would result in a spill.

What’s my point? Well honestly, I decided it made a catchy blog post title. Then, the more I thought about it, the more I decided I could apply a lesson to my Indie Author Life.

Okay how, you ask? Wasting time and energy I could be/should be using on other things. I’ve decided we all power wash cement. Just not literally. Have you read my post-it note blog post? (See below if you haven’t). I can write out and rearrange post-it notes all day long. Is that helpful? A lot of the time… no. Edit my final manuscript ten more times? No. The more I edit, the less I like my work. Writing the next one is a better use of my time.

Power washing cement is like starting dinner and then spending an hour organizing your ingredients on the counter, then organizing the pantry because you noticed it was a mess when you got out the Olive Oil. Then you tidy up the fridge too. By the time you’re done doing all that, I’m betting you wouldn’t even be in the mood to cook dinner. So you order out (because you wanted to in the first place, but were trying to be healthy).

Washing cement is like spending four hours watering your flowers and garden and grass and then it rains for twenty-four hours.

Power washing cement is like “researching” on Pinterest for eight hours to figure out what your character would wear when you already know what he/she would wear.

Washing cement is… (fill in your time waster here). Get my drift? There’s a lesson here! Maybe it was just for me. “Put your darn post-it notes in the drawer and type!” I say to myself. Well, the blog post is done, so I’ll stop power washing cement now and get back to work on my latest book…

This one… the last in my series… and if you’re reading this, you just got the first glimpse of this awesome cover. It’s my fave from the whole series.

Seal Seven: Silence of the End

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