Sara Shanning  

The Rebranding of the Chosen Angel Series

The Chosen Angel Series has been undergoing a massive rebranding and I am so excited to announce it is finished (the rebranding, not the series)!

My amazing cover artist (Psycat Covers) and I have put in months of work to ensure I loved each and every cover for my series. I’ve become very particular about my book covers so I can’t say enough about how wonderful Psycat was to work with, and the end product? You’re the reader, so I guess you’re the real judge!

The cover for the final installment of the Seals is finished as well, but I am currently writing it so I am holding out on sharing the last cover, which may be my favorite.

With this rebranding, I feel like I’ve finally made myself into the author I wanted to be from the beginning. It feels like me. I seem to have a tendency to get a little stuck when things don’t turn out quite the way I envision, and to be honest, Seal One was my very first published book and when you start off on the wrong path, you always feel like you need to be jumping off to another one.

Now I am settled. I am happy. I can look at each of these covers and breathe in contentment. They fit my personality. They fit my brand. They fit my genre. They fit the series.

The real test, of course, is how the readers will respond. I would very much love to hear what you think!?

Get the series here: https://amzn.to/3p5GPH8

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