Sara Shanning  

Seal Five: Fall of Religion


In the end, we all must choose…

Kara has never belonged anywhere. Born mute, she has spent her life as an outcast for being different. And then a miracle gives her a voice.

Using it to speak of the love of Christ to anyone who will listen, despite the threat of death for proclaiming anyone but Afion as god, Kara and the other members of Ark fight to save souls in a dying world.

When a group of men come looking for her, she is betrayed by those she trusts and is thrust into the center of a prophecy she learns she is a part of. And her part in it terrifies her.

Hunted by One World Order, Kara joins the search for a young girl named Lira who is vital to a purpose meant to end everything. Will her faith be strong enough for what is coming next?

Seal Five: Fall of Religion is the fifth in the Chosen Angel Series — a story about The End.


Everyone seems to like a little romance. I admit, I do too and I miss it when there isn’t a little love unfolding in a book. I don’t care for overt, but I like an undercurrent. In fact, growing up, almost every story I wrote was a romance and I have NO idea how I wrote four books without an ounce of it.

That changes in Seal Five. It’s still not a full-on romance, but there’s a sprinkling. Just a bit. I don’t remember if I planned to put it there, or if it just happened as I wrote it, but as my first female lead, it just happens to be a part of her journey… as something she isn’t looking for at all and fights from the start.

COVID was a good training ground for ‘what if’ questions and overthinking. Excellent fodder for apocalyptic and dystopian writers alike. A hard push for Prepper’s and Doomsday-er’s. If one really thought the end of the world was near, would you be concerned about romantic feelings or would you not? Seal Five addresses that question and I had fun exploring it.

For Kara, connection is difficult. Her childhood was not a loving one and being born mute brought it’s own struggles from the beginning. Displaced, unwanted, rejected, Kara dives into the fall of her country head-on, seeking to do the only thing she trusts: sharing the love of God.

When a miracle gives her a voice, her purpose is further strengthened and her fighting spirit makes her a fierce opponent to any who claim the man destroying the world is god.

Seal Five is the fall of religion. Afion is intent on obliterating anything that defies his position of power and control and uses the armies at his disposal to wield fear as a weapon and death as a tool.

Seal Five: Fall of Religion

The 5th in the series!

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