Sara Shanning  

1000 Reasons for Post Its

I’m addicted to post-it notes. All colors. Preferably the normal square size. Stacks of them. I get a little panicky when I run low. I just bought a cute cat post-it note holder. I buy push pins just to stab through the little squares of paper. I have three cork boards for the sole use of holding post-its with notes to myself scribbled on them. I use them to plot out my books (well, what little plotting I do anyway).

It’s probably not just me, right? You have a drawer full of them too, right? No matter, I don’t think I need a Post-It Anonymous support group just yet.

I don’t really have a point. I just think we should discuss the magical appeal of post-it notes. Do they help me write? Yes, they do. Why? Because looking at a board full of colorful squares of paper that I can move around at will somehow inspires me. The freedom of crumpling one up and replacing it fits my personality. If only life were so easy, eh?

For me, they are like a moveable mind map. You know the circle that branches off into another circle, and then another and another? That’s a mind map.


1. I jot down plot points as I write so I have a visual reminder to make sure I go back to tie it up later.

2. I record details I need to pay attention to as I’m editing.

3. I write down characteristics I assign to my book people that I intend to use as personality quirks throughout my series.

4. I use them to organize tasks related to writing for the week, month and year.

5. I write down information I refer to often so they are right there on my cork board when I need to remember them (like ASIN numbers for each of my books).

6. I have notebook pages lined with them, highlighting various things of whatever subject the page happens to be focused on.

7. I use post-its to track timelines.

8. I brainstorm short-term writing goals and place them along the top of a cork board to remind me to get to work.

9. I use them often in social media pictures.

10. I have a wish list of things I’d like for my office that I keep tacked up so when I’m out and about I can watch for them. (Like old typewriters at garage sales).

11. Chapter Titles. When I’m nearing the end of a book, or I get stuck, I will write out chapter titles separately on post-its and line them up in a column. Sometimes the title is nothing more than the plot point I intend to make the chapter about, but this method works well for propelling me forward.

12. Events. I’m forgetful. Who isn’t these days? There is a lot going on! So rather than double book myself (or not book myself at all), I’ll keep track of any author events with my handy little squares of paper and then I have reminders and something to look forward to.

1000 reasons. I considered actually putting 1000 reasons into this blog post, but thought that might be excessive and would probably take months to write. Or years. I have books to write… I can’t be hyper- focusing on the value of small pieces of paper.

What’s your favorite post-it note use?

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