Sara Shanning  

Seal Four, Death


Eron is a hacker. He has been protecting those he knows of The Seven for years, but now God is calling him out of the safety of his bunker to come face-to-face with Alric, Jediel and Ashar to find the rest of The Seven.

Together, they begin the search for Kara, as all around them the death toll rises from dehydration, starvation, polluted water, and the Axis and One World Order armies. As they get closer and closer to Kara, they discover they are being hunted.

Eron struggles to feel like he belongs among his new friends, and out in the real world, away from the safety of the bunker and his mother, he fights feelings of fear and inadequacy as he faces a world where death stalks them at every turn.


Eron is probably the character I identified with the most. Not in skill, but in personality. Alone, he feels in control, but out in the real world he battles with himself to find where he fits. Paranoid, his head full of conspiracy, he sees a broken world that cannot be fixed.

Focusing on what he knows, Eron muddles through the changes of surroundings, being part of a group, and facing the magnitude of what comes next. Trusting God inside of a bunker is one thing. Holding onto your faith when an army is hunting you and you are traveling through a world where people are dying is another.

As Eron learns who each of the men around him are, gains new skills for surviving, and begins to grow in faith, he gains the confidence he needs to keep going and to continue on in the purpose God tasked him with. Finding and protecting The Seven. Plodding forward to the ultimate End.

Seal Four is death. The fall of man as evil overtakes the world and the final battle grows closer.

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