Sara Shanning  

Seal Three, Famine


Jediel has lost everything but God. His parents, his home, and his country.

He has become a Wanderer. He traverses the broken land of America seeking resolution to visions that push him to continue toward a purpose he does not yet understand.

Led to a church, he saves a young man named Ashar from great evil. He is shocked to discover that Ashar has an odd formation of bones upon his back… bones similar to those Jediel has upon his own back.

Together, they embark on a journey to save Ashar’s friends. One that leads them both to understand they have been given a powerful purpose in a time that has been prophesied about since the beginning of time.

They encounter the clash between the Axis army that brought the war, and the World Order Soldiers attempting to take back control… but who seem to be as corrupt as the Axis army they fight.

In a string of events that puts them in front of the man named Eitan who serves the antichrist himself, they learn that one of The Seven is held captive, that another has escaped and is being hunted, and that one aids them in their journey.

With God on their side, Ashar and Jediel are forced to trust Eitan… but will they be betrayed?


Jediel is the one who begins the connection of The Seven. Raised in a home full of love, he is the character with the most secure identity. The loss of his parents was difficult, but they taught him from the time of his birth that there was One greater than anything that would always be there for him.

It is his faith that leads everything he does. He views the world through this lens, as well as those around him.

God gave Jediel a great gift.

His voice.

From the time the bones grew upon his back, God began to speak to Jediel through dreams and visions and began to teach him to listen. At the urging of his parents, Jediel documented the things God chose to share with him, and armed with his notebooks and his parents constant guidance through the years, he takes on his war-ravaged country to seek his purpose… The Seven.

As the antichrist rises to power, the war continues to rage, famine begins to take over the land and the next Seal is readied, Jediel and Ashar begin to seek the others that are meant to be united.

Seal Three is famine. The continued destruction of the earth as God continues to pour out His wrath. And the claiming of purpose that will bring about the end of it all.

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