Sara Shanning  

Seal Two, War


Ashar is disillusioned.

Betrayed by his own parents.

They turned him into an experiment, for money.

They told him that the extra bones on his back could kill him. For years, they took him to doctor after doctor, specialist after specialist, on a supposed search for answers for why four floating bones had mysteriously grown on his back.

Ashar remembers that night well. The pain, the strange visions.

In the morning, he awakes pain free, but with a life that is changed forever.

Now, so many years later, an anonymous email tells him another change is coming; the removal of one of his extra bones. The email comes not long after he learns the truth. His bones won’t kill him. His parents used his bones for profit. For exposure. For their own twisted purposes.

They gave him no choice. Ashar determines that he must leave.

With no specific destination in mind, and with nothing but his car, a few meager belongings, and a small faith, Ashar heads out into a world that hovers on the brink of a change he won’t see coming.

He meets Irv, a backpacker who takes him under his wing and teaches him how to live off the land and nothing else.

Happy, and feeling like he belongs for the first time in his life, war strikes America and everything changes again.

Ashar takes on a group of survivors, struggling with a renewed sense of betrayal when Irv refuses to help and leaves.

Hiding in the mountains, Ashar and his new friends try to begin a new life, having no idea that one of them harbors a dangerous secret…

When Irv returns, he brings somber news. The war is far from over, and a new leader has risen up that Irv fears may bring about more destruction and death than the still raging war.

Together, this small group of people must work with each other to survive and to cope despite their grief of those they loved, and loss of what they knew.

And Ashar must begin to face that he may be called to a purpose greater than anything he could ever have imagined.


Ashar is special. His heart is full of compassion and grace and he yearns to be loved and accepted as he is.

He has been marked by God and holds deep within him what he thinks it means. His past has taught him that he must hide the bones that have helped shape who he is. He holds this secret close as he lives among the new people around him.

His faith grows as he is forced to surrender to the only hope he knows. One that he learned of in the pages of a small bible that was his only companion during the years he spent in exam rooms and recovery rooms.

Ashar’s journey is one of growing faith in a shattered world. One of learning ones true identity and walking in it. Ashar, like many of us, must face the battles this world gives to us while facing his own past of hurts and wounds.

His is a story of redemption. Of strength. Of purpose.

Seal Two is war. A rise of evil that will tear the world apart as it groans for its own redemption.

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